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CoWriMo 2021
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Parts of this page are outdated, including words, grammar, and Eonic culture in general.

These will aid my conculture and hopefully my etymologies as well. They are hopefully interesting, or at least not boring.

Difficulty: Wildcard

Èiná'ôá'a óì'e înén òa Óeâ'i. Eôá'a ê aônî ó'é nà eôá'a ê êâ. Óeâ'i nò'ò'a e'e èiná'ôá'a on áín ìo Na'ie' nò'ò'a e'e èiná'ôá'a áín. A'ôá'a on eôínón òa Na'ie'. Aé'á'a aé'á'a íóeôínón. Èièná'ià nó'ó înén ìo èièná'ià iân înén. Eôá eôá eôínón êâ eôá îe'á áí'ò on înén òa Óeâ'i. Eôá íô e'e èiná'ôá àòáín èì eôá eôán eôìnón. Eôá íô'a e'e èiná'ôá'a noâén êi eôá noâí'èn.

In Oea'i, marriage is a foreign thing. When the population is low, people reproduce. The nation has no marriage laws except in the state of Baties, which mandates that minors cannot marry. In Baties, any two adults can get married. Polygamy is legal, but uncommon. If someone gets married in Baties, their marriage is not recognized elsewhere in Oea'i. A marriage licence is needed to marry people. Marriage licences can be acquired only after taking a course.

marriage.PL.AN foreign be.PRES.3 in Oea'i | person.PL.AN reproduce.FUT.3 when few person.PL.AN be.FUT.3 | Oea'i law.PL.IN of marriage.PL.AN have.NEG.PRES.3 but Baties law.PL.IN of marriage.PL.AN have.PRES.3 | minor.PL.AN marry.NEG.PRES.3 in Baties | adult.PL.AN adult.PL.AN marry.CAP.PRES.3 | polygamy.SG.IN legal be.PRES.3 but polygamy.SG.IN rare be.PRES.3 | person.SG.AN person.SG.AN marry.PRES.3 then person.SG.AN married elsewhere be.NEG.3.PRES in Oea'i | person.SG.AN licence.SG.IN of marriage.SG.AN have.NEC.PRES.3 if person.SG.AN person.PAU.AN marry.PRES.3 | person.SG.AN licence.PL.IN of marriage.PL.IN get.PRES.3 if_and_only_if person.SG.AN take_course.PAST.3

Difficulty: Easy
Word count: 101 (Eo'iona), 107 (English)

Íenòn ôe Óeâ'i oèià înén nói na'íèn e’e ièn oèià înén.
Ôío — "Ôío" è'ì "ôí" înén âe ôí ôi'ài înén.
E'ínó — "E'ínó" è'ì "e'ínó'à" înén âe e'ínó'à'a iân înén òa Óeâ'i.
Aeá'o — "Aeá'o" è'ì "a'e" nói "a'o" înén âe a'eá'a îe'ni a'eôá'a á'înón.
Ôîéá — "Ôîéá" è'ì "óíèa" înén.
Eó — "Eó" è'ì Eo înén. Eo nìè'ôà e'e Eo' neòn.
Iíné — "Iíné" è'ì "iínè" înén.
Ná'ié — "Ná'ié" è'ì Na'ie' înén. Na'ie' Óeâ'i neòn. "Ná'ié" ní'ió înén òa Na'ie'.
Nâ'ió — "Nâ'ió" è'ì "nâ'ío" înén.
Iâná — "Iâná" è'ì "iân" înén.
Eôá'a óî'enò'a on áín òa Óeâ'i.

▼ English

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Difficulty: Wildcard

Óeâ'i ânéì e'e eoî ío'âín. Eôâ a'íèò éâ'én. A'íèò aeôí ôâ i'óán. Eôâ aeôí ôâ nâón. Eôâ ê'í aeôí áîe êán. Eôá'a eôâ'a iân oînén òa Óeâ'i ìo eôá'a eôâ'a oînén áon eôá'a eôâ'a oînèn. Óeâ'i êán òa aeôí àê Eo' ôí ná'ôín. Eôâ'a aeôí ôâ òo nâòn òa Óeâ'i. Eôá'a eôâ'a ináô àêén î'èà eá'ó òa Óeâ'i.

Oea'i has a death tradition. The body is taken to a small boat. The boat then sails into the ocean, and the body is thrown into the water. The body is forever with the ocean. People rarely bury bodies in Oea'i, but more people bury bodies now than they used to. Oea'i is in the ocean, so the Eo' respect water. Bodies have always been thrown into the ocean in Oea'i. People traditionally mourn the deceased for a night in Oea'i.

Oea'i tradition.SG.IN of life.SG.DCS have.PRES.3 | person.SG.DCS small_boat.SG.IN take_to.PRES.3 | small_boat.SG.IN ocean.SG.AN LAT sail.PRES.3 | person.SG.DCS ocean.SG.AN LAT throw.PRES.3 | person.SG.DCS with ocean.SG.AN forever be.PRES.3 | person.SG.AN person.SG.DCS rarely bury.PRES.3 in Oea'i but person.SG.AN person.SG.DCS bury.PRES.3 than person.SG.AN person.SG.DCS bury.PAST.3 | Oea'i be.PRES.3 in ocean.SG.AN so Eo' water.SG.AN respect.PRES.3 | person.PL.DCS ocean.SG.AN LAT always throw.PAST.3 in Oea'i | person.PL.AN person.SG.DCS mourn.PRES.3 during night.SG.AN in Oea'i

Difficulty: Easy because I am lazy
Word count: 127 Eo'iona, 147 English

Ôío ânaè enaàn òa Aó'íê. Aó'íê áiô'eò êán òa Óeâ'i. Ié êi'ô îenìn.
Iâná âne'ôó êán. Ié êàn òa ânaè. Ié êi'ô áìn.

Ôío: Iá êi'ô îení.
Iâná: Iá áîn oèiìn îení.
Ôío: È îení èn oèiìn ió?
Iâná: Ò'ò. Êi'ô aòà'a on áín. Iá óé'òn oèiìn îení.
Ôío: Êi'ô a'e on înén. Iá ió iôaí ì'oán oèiìn.
Iâná: Iá êi'ô â'ò òa Na'ie'! Iá áîn oèiìn îení.
Ôío: Iá êà òa Na'ie'. Êi'ó'a e'e Na'ie' óêo on înén áon êi'ó'a e'e iá'a! Iá ió iôaí ì'oán oèiìn.
Iâná: Êi'ônì è iôaí ió iá?
Ôío: Iá êi'ônì on áí.
Iâná: È îení éán oèiìn nói anîòè ió?
Ôío: Iá ió iôaí nôn oèiìn nói anîòè.
Iâná: Iá'a iáíò.

Ôío êi'ô noâèn. Iâná nôn oèiìn nói anîòè noâèn.

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