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Sound Correspondence between Urban Basanawa and Basa Pasaa
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This public article was written by [Deactivated User], and last updated on 20 Oct 2015, 02:36.

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Compared to Urban Basanawa, Basa Pasaa has the following sound changes:

The Urban Basanawa /mb/, /nd/, /Ng/ becomes /m/, /n/, /N/ in Basa Pasaa

The Urban Basanawa /@/ and word-final /@r/ merges into /a/ in Basa Pasaa

The Urban Basanawa word-final /@l/ becomes /o/ in Basa Pasaa

The Urban Basanawa /ft/, /xt/, /st/ merges into /t/ in Basa Pasaa

The Urban Basanawa /sC/ becomes /C/ in general

The Urban Basanawa /f/ becomes /p/ before vowels, and becomes /w/ before consonants.

The Urban Basanawa /v/ becomes /b/, /z/, /ts/ and /dz/ becomes /s/.

The drop of Urban Basanawa word-final nasals and /h/.

The simplification of word-initial clusters:

- the combination /Cr/, /Cl/ becomes /C/
- the combination of /sC/ becomes /eC/(likely through an intermediate stage /esC/)

The loss of distinction between long and short vowels.

The Urban Basanawa post-vocalic /l/ becomes /w/, post-vocalic /r/ becomes /a/.
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