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Morphosyntax of Basa Pasaa
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This public article was written by [Deactivated User], and last updated on 26 Mar 2017, 20:56.

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being a pidgin language, it has minimal morphonoogy:

- completely lack of inflection
- all verbs and adjectives end with -/a/
- the use of /aw/(cognates with Town Speech/Urban Basanawa /ha:f/ "I have") for past tense
- the word order is usually SVO and is right-branching
- only one preposition existe: ana(cognates with Town Speech/Urban Basanawa /an d@/ "at the")
- the use of reduplication to form the plural form of nouns and intensified form of adjectives
- the non-use of copulae
- the Urban Basanawa oblique pronouns become pronouns used in all cases.
- questions are formed by intonation
- the emergence of the inclusive form of first person pronoun

- /mi/~/mai/ - I,me,my
- /di/~/dai/ - you,your(singular)
- /i/ - he/she/it
- /mi ala/ - we/us(exclusive)
- /jumi/ - we/us(inclusive)(from /ju/ + /mi/)
- /ju/ - you(plural)
- /ala/ - they/them

- /dis/ - this
- /dat/ - that


- /guta da/! - good day!(/da/ cognates with Town Speech/Urban Basanawa /dax/ "day")
- /mi met kupa dis/ - I want to buy this.(/met/ cognates with Town Speech/Urban Basanawa /mɛçt/ "(I/he/she/it) might")
- /dai ma dis/? - do you like this?(/ma/ cognates with Town Speech/Urban Basanawa /max/ "(I/he/she/it) may")
- /ja/ - yes
- /ne/ - no/not
- /guta guta/ - so good(/guta/ cognates with Town Speech/Urban Basanawa /gu:t/ "good")
- /mi liba dai/ - I love you(/liba/ cognates with Town Speech/Urban Basanawa /li:v@n/ "to love")
- /lota/ - goodbye(cognates with Town Speech/Urban Basanawa /lA:t@r/ "later")
- /mi leba ia/ - I live here(/leba/ cognates with Town Speech/Urban Basanawa /le:v@n/ "to live", /ia/ cognates with Town Speech/Urban Basanawa /hi:r\/ "here")
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