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3rd person personal pronouns
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Menu 1. ne 2. ne'e 3. ne'i 4. ni'i
There are 4 3rd person personal pronouns in  Fora: ne, ne'e, ne'i, and ni'i.

Means "it" or "they", when referring to a specific object or group of objects.

mova ku si sezeke. ne a ununa ununa.
this be INDEFIndefinite
a nonspecific referent
tree | 3IThird person inanimate (person)
it, not he/she/they
used to link the subject of a sentence with a predicate
big big
This is a tree. It's very big. / These are trees. They're very big.

Means "she", and is used to talk about a specific person, usually a female one. It can also mean plural "they", referring to more than 1 person. Additionally, ne'e is used for general/indefinite concepts and people.

mo o mane nagu mo ne'e duru.
1SFirst person singular (person)
speaker, signer, etc.; I
friend eat DEFDefinite
3FThird person feminine (person)
My friend ate her sandwich. / My friends ate their sandwiches.

o a be ravo ka mo sezeke, ka ne'e a ununa.
1SFirst person singular (person)
speaker, signer, etc.; I
used to link the subject of a sentence with a predicate
PASSPassive voice (valency)
be verb-ed
good by DEFDefinite
tree, because 3FThird person feminine (person)
used to link the subject of a sentence with a predicate
I like trees, because they're big.

gu si lo'ara be ka'uza, o nagu mo ne'e duru.
when INDEFIndefinite
a nonspecific referent
person PASSPassive voice (valency)
be verb-ed
kill, 1SFirst person singular (person)
speaker, signer, etc.; I
eat DEFDefinite
3FThird person feminine (person)
Whenever someone dies, I eat their sandwich.

Means "he", and is used to talk about a specific person, usually a male one.

mo o mane nagu mo ne'i duru.
1SFirst person singular (person)
speaker, signer, etc.; I
friend eat DEFDefinite
3MThird person masculine (person)
My friend ate his sandwich.

Means singular "they", referring to a specific person. It is used when the person's gender/preferred pronoun is unknown. It can also be used for non binary people. When you're talking about a specific person, you should always their preferred pronoun if you know it.

ni'i is always used for people who the speaker doesn't know.

mo o mane nagu mo ni'i duru.
1SFirst person singular (person)
speaker, signer, etc.; I
friend eat DEFDefinite
3NThird person neuter (person) sandwich
My friend ate their sandwich.

sa nele mova lonali. ni'i nagu si duru.
IMPImperative (mood)
see that person | 3NThird person neuter (person) eat INDEFIndefinite
a nonspecific referent
Look at that person. They're/he's/she's eating a sandwich.

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