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Lyladnese Vowels
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Vowel harmony and assimilation
This public article was written by [Deactivated User] on 5 Jan 2019, 05:37.

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Lyladnese has a lot of vowels because it has two-dimensional vowel harmony, along with long and nasal vowels.

  • Front unrounded vowels include <i y e ë ä a ī ē į ę ą> [i ɪ ɛ ə æ a iː eː ĩː ẽː ɐ̃ː]
  • Front rounded vowels include <ü ȳ ö ë ä a û ô ũ ø ã> [y ʏ ø ə æ a yː øː ỹː ø̃ː ɐ̃ː]
  • Back unrounded vowels include <ŭ y õ ë a ā ą> [ɯ ɪ ɤ ə a ɑ ɐ̃ː]
  • Back rounded vowels include <u ȳ o ŏ a ū ō ų ǫ ã ą> [u ʏ o ɔ a uː oː ũː õː ɔ̃ː ɐ̃ː]

  • There are tree truly neutral vowels, which are <ë a ą> [ə a ɐ̃ː], and two which are neutral for front-back harmony but not rounding. These are <y ȳ> [ɪ ʏ]

    Every front unrounded, front rounded, and back rounded vowel which aren't neutral (besides ä) have a long version and a nasal version. Every back unrounded and neutral vowel are only short and oral.

    The full vowel harmony chart is as follows. This does not include long and nasal vowels, which fall in the same place as their short counterparts.
    Front UnroundedFront RoundedNeutral UnroundedNeutral RoundedBack UnroundedBack Rounded

    The vowels also affect consonants found before them. Front non-neutral vowels will cause the previous consonant to be palatalized while round vowels cause the previous consonant to be labialized. In some dialects, back non-neutral vowels will cause the previous consonant to be velarized.
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