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Čimthuz Oveřina II: Ancient History in Tiranak
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Part 2/3 of an in-depth look at how the Oveřin Empire came to be.
This public article was written by [Deactivated User], and last updated on 4 Oct 2016, 16:26.

[comments] Menu 1. Cohabitation of Tiranak 2. The Raising of Tiranak 3. The Celebration and Treason of Tar Vakyřam 4. The End of the Ghěrešum Tarkaizul 5. Map
Ancient History in Tiranak

[top]Cohabitation of Tiranak

The Splendor of Tiranak

The first order of business following the execution of Tar Miša was to delegate his powers over death and reincarnation to another of the Tarum since that aspect of the world was now out of balance. There was a minor debate in which Tar Telam, still embittered over the neglect shown by Tar Avispusam to his creations, the esodtelum, during The Night War, suggested those powers be invested with Tar Sighepusam. She rejected the offer, preferring to focus on her powers of prophecy. In the end, Tar Avispusam was granted the extra powers.

The humans and esodum were invited to remain on Tiranak indefinitely in the service of their respective creators. Humans worked on the northern plains of the island in mines, extracting gems and minerals. They also served as the elite police force of Tiranak for everyone except Tar Ilam, who had his own contingent of loyal soldiers. The esodotizum went with Tar Sighepusam to construct a fortress at the peak of Ljřet Tiranaka. As a thank you to her creations for their help and loyalty, Tar Sighepusam granted those elves who were in her service the gift of magic. She physically altered their biology so they could, at will, open a channel within their minds and connect to her personal power source on the island. This power was then hereditary; only the direct descendants of those elves could produce magic. If there was interbreeding with another race without magic, the powers were still there, but were diluted and access to the power source was less strong. The esodfalum lived with Tar Žespusam on the small island to the south of Tiranak learning the ways of healing with plant life.

After a number of centuries, Tiranak had been built up with castles and villages and splendid roads of pure gold. The capital was located on the Isle of Ilam, which was host to the most magnificent structure: the Pavodh Taram, the Palace of the Gods. Constructed with diamond and gold and surrounded by thousands of acres of elegantly maintained gardens, the building was situated in the middle of the island and stretched out to all four corners. The rest of the island was one enormous city whose buildings were nestled in between the long arms of the primary palace. From this palace, Tar Ilam ruled all of Esya and employed beings from all races to assist him. This elite guard were renowned for their golden armor and fierce, unwavering loyalty.

After building up the island for centuries, a few more centuries passed simply basking in the splendor of Tiranak and the Gods. There was peace in Esya. Eventually, though, that peace was shattered once more by rebellion.

The Merpeople's Revolt: Phase One

The merpeople of Tar Telam spent hundreds of years boiling over with rage at the apathy and neglect shown to them during the Night War. Eventually, a particularly belligerent king named Belyrius ascended to the throne and a council was called in his deep-sea kingdom. War was declared on the Tarum and on Tiranak in general. They used catapults of their own design that could be fired underwater as well as above water and long, jagged spears made of coral that had been dipped in the poisonous secretions of certain sea anemones to engage in a guerrilla war with the small coastal villages in Tiranak. Many villages were completely obliterated by these attacks and humans and elves alike found themselves roaming from village to village, only to have their new home destroyed shortly upon arrival. The Tarum were beseeched to intervene.

Once again, Tar Avispusam took the hardline, hawkish stance and proposed the complete elimination of merpeople from Esya for their transgression. Tar Telam pleaded with the Tarum to spare his creations, as they were very dear to him. He asked to be sent as an ambassador to the underwater kingdom to hear their complaints and attempt to find a diplomatic solution. Tar Ilam agreed, and Tar Avispusam scoffed. Tar Telam travelled to the capital of the merpeople deep in the ocean and took their form. After learning of their sense of deep betrayal at not being offered protection by the Tarum during the Night War and he felt extremely guilty at unintentionally neglecting his own creations. He agreed to argue on their behalf to the Tarum and initiated a ceasefire.

Back on the Isle of Ilam, Tar Telam explained their perspective to the Tarum and passionately argued for a general pardon for their violence. After a heated debate in which Tar Avispusam continued to argue for genocide, Tar Ilam agreed with Tar Telam. An end of hostilities would commence on the condition that the merpeople submit all weaponds to the Tarum for destruction and that they pay reparations for all damages. In one last attempt to seek bloody vengeance, Tar Avispusam argued for one merchild to be sacrificed for each human and elven death brought on by the rebellion. Tar Ilam rejected this outright. In return for reparations and full disarmament, the merpeople would be allowed to build settlements in the waters around Tiranak and king Belyrius' son, Nereus, would be welcomed into the personal service of Tar Ilam as an ambassador of the merpeople to the highest god. The merpeople agreed to the conditions.

The Deceit of Tar Avispusam and Phase Two

Under a full moon on the night of the anniversary of the end of the Night War, King Belyrius, Prince Nereus, and the generals of their army met with Tar Telam on the shores of the Isle of Ilam. As the treaty was being signed and the exchange of weaponds, money, and Prince Nereus was underway, a small contingent of soldiers under the command of Tar Avispusam marched onto the beach in full war regalia. Tar Avispusam informed the congregation that there was to be a slight change in the treaty. On top of the previously agreed upon terms, King Belyrius was to be executed as punishment for inciting war against the Tarum. There was an immediate uproar in which Tar Telam hurriedly tried to calm his brother down, but it was to no avail. Tar Avispusam walked past him, grabbed King Belyrius by the throat, and slowly inserted his blade into the merking's heart. He dropped him on the shore to let the sand soak up his purple blood.

There was an immediate, violent reaction from the merpeople on the beach. Tar Avispusam's men engaged them, killing many, while most were able to flee back into the safety of the sea. Tar Avispusam was unable to capture Nereus who joined his people. Tar Telam, in a fit of rage, used his powers as a Tarum to summon an incredibly violent thunderstorm that caused the tide to drag many of Avispusam's men out to see and created lightning that struck many down where they stood. He then fled into the sea to join his creations.

Before heading back to the Pavodh Taram to inform his father of the restarting of hostilities, Tar Avispusam killed the rest of his soldiers and swept their bodies out to sea to use as a causus belli. His story would be that he went to the beach to assist in the exchange as outlined by the treaty, but upon seeing him and his soldiers King Belyrius flew into a madness and ordered his men to attack, violently killing his soldiers and barely letting him escape. Tar Telam, regrettably, showed his true colors and joined the murderous traitors, thus becoming an enemy to the Tarum and to the pantheon. War had begun again.

The war, now headed by King Nereus and Tar Telam on one side, and a unanimously-backed Tar Avispusam on the other, continued for three years. New technologies were developed on both sides. Floating catapaults were used by the esodtelum to more accurately besiege the Isle of Ilam, while the magic of Tar Sighepusam electrified metal poles that were stuck into the water to fatal effect. Tar Telam struck up many storms to batter the island and the defense perimeter set up by the army of Tar Avispusam. Eventually, a sneak attack at night resulted in the catapults of the merpeople being burned down and a large portion of their army being slaughtered. King Nereus and Tar Telam were captured, and the revolt ended.

The Final Treaty

Delegations from the merpeople, Tarum, humans, and both races of elves met in the gardens of Pavodh Taram to deliberate the conditions of their surrender. Nereus was to become a servant of Tar Ilam, and all his descendants were to work in the Pavodh Taram and the army of Tar Ilam for the rest of eternity. The merpeople were forbidden from elevating a king with either the name Nereus or Belyrius for the rest of time. All reconstruction for the Isle of Ilam and the destroyed villages on Tiranak would be paid for by the merpeople. In exchange, the merpeople would be given full sovereignty in the deep seas.

Most importantly, it was recognized that a primary, underlying cause of the war was the perceived favoritism of the Tarum towards certain creations and not others. The Tarum therefore decided to physically remove themselves from their creations and rule from a distance, leaving humans and elves and pixies to their own machinations. Small groups of each group would remain behind in the service of each of their creators, becoming Demigods over time who helped rule Esya from Tiranak. The esodotizum who stayed with Tar Sighepusam would become the Cult of the Prophet. Humans remaining with Tar Avispusam would become his permanent army that would defend all of Tiranak except the Isle of Ilam. The esodfalum who remained with Tar Žespusam would all become healers. All beings who were not selected to remain behind would be exiled from Tiranak and forced to relocate in the ancient lands of Oveřin and Erkalja where they had once lived before the Night War.

The final fallout from the revolt of the merpeople was the execution of Tar Telam. Tar Avispusam snuck into the dungeons the night before the trial and cut out his brother's tongue to prevent him from explaining his deceit. In front of the other Tarum, Tar Avispusam offered the suggestion that Tar Telam did that because he truly remained an enemy of the Tarum and didn't wish to be forced to reveal any information against his will. He was quickly sentenced to death, and Tar Avispusam executed him immediately. The council of remaining gods then decided to give to Tar Žespusam Tar Telam's powers, arguing that dominion over the sea and weather complemented his power over nature nicely. This would eventually lead to a warm relationship between the esodfalum and the esodtelum; in fact, the esodfalum became the only race to share a positive relationship with the merpeople, who were forever embittered towards other creations and the gods themselves.

Thus ended the era of cohabitation of the gods and their creations.

[top]The Raising of Tiranak

A fleet of ten thousand ships was built and amassed at the Isle of Ilam where the humans and esodum who weren't staying on Tiranak began their long journey home. In the centuries following the Night War, Oveřin and Erkalja to the north bloomed with wild flora and fauna, and the small groups of people who had stayed behind had built small civilizations on top of the ruins of the ancient cities of old. Those returning from Tiranak had no idea what to expect.

They headed out northwest, hugging the shore as close as possible to avoid unnecessarily instigating the esodtelum into sabotaging their ships. Once the fleet was safely out of range of the islands that made up the holy land, the Tarum magically raised all the landmasses of Tiranak into the sky to float among the clouds over the sea. The waters surrounding the islands rose as well and flowed over the edges in an eternal waterfall that the creations could see from their ships. The Tarum had officially been separated from the rest of Esya, and Tiranak became known as The Floating Isles.

[top]The Celebration and Treason of Tar Vakyřam

Tar Vakyřam was the God of Revelry, and during the centuries he had grown exceptionally fond of humans and elves. He fell into a bit of a slump following the Raising of Tiranak due to a lack of interaction and a lack of activity on the islands. He attempted to throw a party in the Pavodh Taram, but no one showed up besides a few pixies.

He spoke with Tar Sighepusam to see if he could use magic to glance into the mortal realms and watch their festivities from afar. She constructed a mirror that he could use to look in on the celebrations, but when he attempted to use it he found it didn't satisfy his need to be physically present in the excitement.

After a few long decades of misery following the mortals' departure, he decided to transform into a pixie and fly off Tiranak to travel to Oveřin and join a party in disguise. He did not know, however, that Tar Ilam had surrounded the Floating Isles with a magical barrier that did not prevent people from entering or leaving, but rather notified Tar Ilam that there had been a breach. Once it was established that Tar Vakyřam had left, Tar Ilam dispatched Tar Avispusam on one of the new floating ships built by Tar Avispusam's army. He landed in a hilly pasture just outside the recently settled city of Zol Oveřin to discover that Tar Vakyřam had hidden himself in a swarm of pixies that had congregated for the impending festivities. Tar Avispusam threatened to slaughter every last pixie if the god did not reveal himself, and Tar Vakyřam relented. He was tied up, brought on board, and carried back to Tiranak without a single mortal knowing anything out of the ordinary had happened.

Back on Tiranak, Tar Ilam sentenced him to 100 years in the dungeons of the Pavodh Taram and ordered the magic mirror of Tar Sighepusam to be destroyed. Tar Avispusam, disgusted at his brother's apathy towards the rule of law and inability to control his appetites snuck into the cell in the dungeon and hung his brother from the ceiling, painting the murder as a suicide.

[top]The End of the Ghěrešum Tarkaizul

All groups of people date the beginning of recorded history (as opposed to mythology) from the transformation of Tiranak into the Floating Isles. Anthony before this date is referenced as Ghěrešum Tarkaizul, the Divine Years, while anything after this date is referenced as Ghěrešum Orot, the Common Years. The murder of Tar Vakyřam is the last story from Tiranak until approximately 1500 years into the Ghěrešum Orot.

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