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Wünäş Yggo de Läkre
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Döfli CWMlĕ 2015wĕ
This private article was written by [Deactivated User], and last updated on 3 Feb 2015, 04:12.

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Menu 1. Wün, Ccef de Ylt 2. Village, Fog and Lightning
[edit] [top]Wün, Ccef de Ylt

Sabaoşat yggo de läkre cibiřnjö no dwissäşüt wün noj dahytlyřut.

Twäşäşüt yggo dumandylaş noj pajdonşa. Etibäkäşüt yggo ühelef ylt tölöggö de řajyşat tsagalar. Ojkojřyt üheläş dahyta acra, şib öbesöřit gjeniř namwyn.

Dwissäşüt läkre dy de sätişät nos tlasaaşut nom jebişäät wün dahytyřko. Fuhaş weliřwär wün ccefim noj dwissäpsögşöjşät että etti.

[edit] [top]Village, Fog and Lightning

Lakre & Yggo were racing each other when they came across a village that was being attacked.

Yggo perceived cir chance to prove cirself. Ce pulled a bolt of lightning from cir quiver and released it upon the soldiers. Cir arrows killed many attackers, but they set the roofs of houses ablaze.

Lakre sees this and decides to help by hiding the village from its attackers. He blows fog around the village, preventing anyone from seeing anything. However, this causes confusion, and a few villagers walk into the fire. Now Lakre and Yggo both panic, and they
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