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Elder Speech: A Nutshell
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A basic history of my artlang.
This public article was written by [Deactivated User] on 25 Feb 2020, 15:20.

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A Brief History of Aalatraas
By Iazhard Endæran

In the beginning, there were the First People.
They went about the empty world, bringing into existence all manners of things using simple words.
The Elder Speech.

It is said that Elder Speech is linked to the fundamental forces in their most primal forms. By diffusing Chromatic colors and speaking words in Elder Speech, one can control the very fabric of reality to a limited extent. The known rules are such:

1. One cannot create nor end life, but you can injure and/or heal others and yourself to a maximum of 5 years more than your predetermined lifespan.

2. One cannot create nor destroy life, but you can fold, warp and connect it at will.

3. Matter and energy can be neither created nor destroyed through Chromaticism but can be manipulated.

4. Color created through Chromaticismic means is considered unnatural, and therefore cannot be used for Chromaticism, preventing infinite loops.

5. Time cannot be undone, reversed or stopped, but can be slowed down or sped up either globally or locally.

6. Matter manipulated by Conception resumes its original form after the Chromaticist's color diffuses entirely, while matter affected by ruin does not revert unless through a burst of Conception. this results in the user being Grayed, and is not guaranteed to result in a perfect reconstruction.

7. The domains of Sentience, Simplicity, Emotion, Apathy, Resonance, Reticence, Flux, Static, Vigour and Langour have no limitations that have been discovered as of the 21st Era of Cloudcoming


Vibrance: God of color and light. A being that inspires wonder and childlike joy.

Monotony: God of The Gray and darkness. A peaceful deity who values balance and stability over all else.

Resonance: God of sound and daytime. An inquisitive albeit slightly oblivious entity.

Reticence: God of silence and nighttime. Rules with a gentle yet unyielding iron fist.

Flux: God of constant change and the sea. kept in check only by Static, lest the world descends into chaos.

Static: Manifestation of all things unchanging. God of resilience and stone, it prevents Flux from sending the universe into disarray. This distraction lessens his hold on the world.

Emotion: God of emotion and love. Boundlessly empathetic and naive yet well-intentioned. Wed to Apathy.

Apathy: God of logic and calmness. Indifferent and distant, its only feeling is for Emotion.

Sentience: God of intelligence and all sentient beings. As the patron for all sapient life in the universe, it and Life can bring entire civilizations into being on a whim.

Simplicity: God of instincts and animals. Its bestial nature and lack of processing skills make it a lesser god of animals.

Conception: God of creation and the arts. Considering himself the most powerful god, he and Ruin despise each other greatly.

Ruin: God of destruction and war. Often contends with Conception for the title of most powerful.

Life: God of all life. Only possessing the power to create life in of itself, it often involves other gods like Sentience and Simplicity in its experiments.

Death: God of death. Although he does control the fate of mortals, he detests sad deaths and has often given dead spirits chances to amend their deeds and give farewells. Sees himself as more of a "Gatekeeper to the Afterlife" than a "Reaper of Souls".

Vigor: God of energy and the Sunseekers, Vigour is constantly active and involved with humanity. He finds Langour deplorable and provides energy to those near death or in battle to keep fighting. Is the most actively involved with Aalatras.

Languor: God of relaxation and the Moonwatchers. Least likely to do anything, positive or negative. Just gives off a relaxing vibe whenever he wants. A chill dude in general.

Temporum: God of time and fate. Near omniscient, although he is terrible at predicting chance. He can control the existence, direction, and passing of time.

Eternity: God of eternity. Little is known about him, as he and void were banished to Nothing when the universe was created. However, he is worshipped by the Palace Eternal.

Spacium: God of existence and spacial dimensions. Can warp, fold, cut, destroy and create matter and space at will. After creating the universe, his energy was expended and he fell into a deep sleep. It is said that his awakening will signal the end of all things.

Void: Banished with Eternity to Nothing during the creation of the universe. Again, little is known of them save for information gathered by the Palace Eternal.
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