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1: Basic Grammar
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How to make a sentence good
This public article was written by [Deactivated User], and last updated on 1 Mar 2018, 07:21.

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Menu 1. Sentence examples 2. Possessives
The main sentence order of the language is SVO--just like basic English, but perhaps a little stricter.
Questions are strictly VSO.

[edit] [top]Sentence examples

Here's a basic sentence:
I speak Akoshalu.
Tilu poshosa Akoshalu.
1First person (person)
speaker, signer, etc; I
PRESPresent tense (tense)
-speak akoshalu
"Tilu" is the subject, "I."
"poshosa" is the present-tense form of the verb "shosa," "to speak."
Akoshalu is simply the object, the name of the language.

To make it negative, a ch is added to the end of the verb.
I don't speak Akoshalu.
Tilu poshosach Akoshalu.
1First person (person)
speaker, signer, etc; I
PRESPresent tense (tense)
-speak-NEGNegative (polarity)
Double-negatives are not possible.

A question:
Do I speak Akoshalu?
Again, it is VSO for questions, so the word order is changed up a little.
Tilu poshosa Akoshalu becomes:
Poshosa tilu Akoshalu?
PRESPresent tense (tense)
-speak IInterjection (POS) akoshalu

A more complex sentence:
The woman spoke to a man's fish.
The subject is "the woman," or bi fulu.
The verb is the past tense of "to speak." Shosa becomes pashosa.
Then there is the adposition "to." Adpositions are generally placed before the relevant noun, so they are prepositions.
The preposition in this case is wo and precedes the next bit.
"a man's fish" is made of a couple parts: "the fish" (bi jayolu) "of" (wa) and "a man" (bo arɘlu). bi jayolu wa bo arɘlu.
Put it all together:
Bi fulu pashosa wo bi jayolu wa bo arɘlu.
indicate the type of reference being made by the noun
woman PASTPast tense (tense)
action occurred before moment of speech
-speak to DEFDefinite
indicate the type of reference being made by the noun
fish of INDFIndefinite
a nonspecific referent
indicate the type of reference being made by the noun

Did the woman speak to a man's fish?
Pashosa bi fulu wo bi jayolu wa bo arɘlu?

To see the prefixes for verbs, see the table here: link

To answer a question, the present tense is generally repeated back, either positively or negatively. It can also be accompanied by "yes" or "no."

There are no plural forms. Thus tilu is actually not just I/me, but could theoretically be "we." However, many people use tilu tilu(tilu") for we, reduplicating it.

[edit] [top]Possessives

Possessed wa possessor.
Blank of blank.
bi jayolu wa tilu (my fish, "the fish of me")
This is also how numbers work.
5 women is "5 of woman," or dakɘ wa fulu

Adjectives precede the noun much like prepositions.
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