Voices in Leki
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2. Voices in Leki
The antipassive voice is marked by infixing -m- (em-) before the last consonant of the root:
Ukoreko "I have eaten it" (object in the absolutive case)
eat.PERFPerfect (aspect/tense)
have verb-ed AGNAgentive (case)
active or volitional case 1SFirst person singular (person)
speaker, signer, etc.; I, ABSAbsolutive (case)
TRANS object, INTR argument 3SThird person singular (person)
neither speaker nor addressee
*u-KOmRE-ko > Ukobreko "I have eaten, I have finished to eat"
eat.ANTIPAntipassive voice (valency)
valency is decreased by one PERFPerfect (aspect/tense)
have verb-ed AGNAgentive (case)
active or volitional case 1SFirst person singular (person)
speaker, signer, etc.; I
Ufrero "I am talking to him/her" (object in the dative case)
talk.IPFImperfect tense/aspect (tense/aspect)
Past tense + Imperfect aspect AGNAgentive (case)
active or volitional case 1SFirst person singular (person)
speaker, signer, etc.; I, DATDative (case)
indirect object; recipient, beneficiary, location 3SThird person singular (person)
neither speaker nor addressee
*u-FrEmRO > Ufrebro "I am talking, I speak"
talk.ANTIPAntipassive voice (valency)
valency is decreased by one IPFImperfect tense/aspect (tense/aspect)
Past tense + Imperfect aspect AGNAgentive (case)
active or volitional case 1SFirst person singular (person)
speaker, signer, etc.; I
The causative voice is expressed by suffixing -n to the root:
Wiraraf "I see them"
see.AORAorist (tense/aspect)
usually the simple past DATDative (case)
indirect object; recipient, beneficiary, location 1SFirst person singular (person)
speaker, signer, etc.; I, ABSAbsolutive (case)
TRANS object, INTR argument 3PThird person plural (person)
neither speaker nor addressee, they/them
*WIRAn-ra-f > Wiradraf 'He/she shows them to me"
see.CAUSCausative (valency/mood)
cause an action to occur, force another argument to act AORAorist (tense/aspect)
usually the simple past AGNAgentive (case)
active or volitional case 3SThird person singular (person)
neither speaker nor addressee, DATDative (case)
indirect object; recipient, beneficiary, location 1SFirst person singular (person)
speaker, signer, etc.; I, ABSAbsolutive (case)
TRANS object, INTR argument 3PThird person plural (person)
neither speaker nor addressee, they/them
An original agent in the agentive case becomes an object either in the absolutive or in the dative case:
Pafiha "They are turning"
turn.IPFImperfect tense/aspect (tense/aspect)
Past tense + Imperfect aspect AGNAgentive (case)
active or volitional case 3PThird person plural (person)
neither speaker nor addressee, they/them
*PAFIn-h-a > Pafniha "They are turning it"
turn.CAUSCausative (valency/mood)
cause an action to occur, force another argument to act IPFImperfect tense/aspect (tense/aspect)
Past tense + Imperfect aspect AGNAgentive (case)
active or volitional case 3PThird person plural (person)
neither speaker nor addressee, they/them, ABSAbsolutive (case)
TRANS object, INTR argument 3SThird person singular (person)
neither speaker nor addressee
*PAFIn-h-r > Pafnihir "He/she is turning them"
turn.CAUSCausative (valency/mood)
cause an action to occur, force another argument to act IPFImperfect tense/aspect (tense/aspect)
Past tense + Imperfect aspect AGNAgentive (case)
active or volitional case 3SThird person singular (person)
neither speaker nor addressee, ABSAbsolutive (case)
TRANS object, INTR argument 3PThird person plural (person)
neither speaker nor addressee, they/them
Upra "I play"
play.AORAorist (tense/aspect)
usually the simple past AGNAgentive (case)
active or volitional case 1SFirst person singular (person)
speaker, signer, etc.; I
Upran "I make him/her play"
play.CAUSCausative (valency/mood)
cause an action to occur, force another argument to act AORAorist (tense/aspect)
usually the simple past AGNAgentive (case)
active or volitional case 1SFirst person singular (person)
speaker, signer, etc.; I, DATDative (case)
indirect object; recipient, beneficiary, location 3SThird person singular (person)
neither speaker nor addressee
Pranaf "He/she makes me play"
play.CAUSCausative (valency/mood)
cause an action to occur, force another argument to act AORAorist (tense/aspect)
usually the simple past AGNAgentive (case)
active or volitional case 3SThird person singular (person)
neither speaker nor addressee, DATDative (case)
indirect object; recipient, beneficiary, location 1SFirst person singular (person)
speaker, signer, etc.; I
An original object in the dative case becomes an object in the absolutive case:
Unafero "I talk to them"
talk.AORAorist (tense/aspect)
usually the simple past AGNAgentive (case)
active or volitional case 1SFirst person singular (person)
speaker, signer, etc.; I, DATDative (case)
indirect object; recipient, beneficiary, location 3PThird person plural (person)
neither speaker nor addressee, they/them
Unaferon "I have them talk to him/her"
talk.CAUSCausative (valency/mood)
cause an action to occur, force another argument to act AORAorist (tense/aspect)
usually the simple past AGNAgentive (case)
active or volitional case 1SFirst person singular (person)
speaker, signer, etc.; I, DATDative (case)
indirect object; recipient, beneficiary, location 3PThird person plural (person)
neither speaker nor addressee, they/them, ABSAbsolutive (case)
TRANS object, INTR argument 3SThird person singular (person)
neither speaker nor addressee
*u-FEROn-r > Ufernor "I have him/her talk to them"
talk.CAUSCausative (valency/mood)
cause an action to occur, force another argument to act AORAorist (tense/aspect)
usually the simple past AGNAgentive (case)
active or volitional case 1SFirst person singular (person)
speaker, signer, etc.; I, DATDative (case)
indirect object; recipient, beneficiary, location 3SThird person singular (person)
neither speaker nor addressee, ABSAbsolutive (case)
TRANS object, INTR argument 3PThird person plural (person)
neither speaker nor addressee, they/them
*FEROn-r-f > Ferodrof "He/she has me talk to them"
talk.CAUSCausative (valency/mood)
cause an action to occur, force another argument to act AORAorist (tense/aspect)
usually the simple past AGNAgentive (case)
active or volitional case 3SThird person singular (person)
neither speaker nor addressee, DATDative (case)
indirect object; recipient, beneficiary, location 1SFirst person singular (person)
speaker, signer, etc.; I, ABSAbsolutive (case)
TRANS object, INTR argument 3PThird person plural (person)
neither speaker nor addressee, they/them
Verbs with three arguments (e.g. "to give", "to tell") have no causative voice.
The passive-impersonal voice is indicated by r- (or-, ro-) prefixed to the root:
Korekor "He has eaten them" (object in the absolutive case)
eat.PERFPerfect (aspect/tense)
have verb-ed AGNAgentive (case)
active or volitional case 3SThird person singular (person)
neither speaker nor addressee, ABSAbsolutive (case)
TRANS object, INTR argument 3PThird person plural (person)
neither speaker nor addressee, they/them
Orkorekor "They have been eaten, one has eaten them"
eat.PASSPassive voice (valency)
be verb-ed/ IMPERImpersonal (valency)
Has no arguments PERFPerfect (aspect/tense)
have verb-ed ABSAbsolutive (case)
TRANS object, INTR argument 3PThird person plural (person)
neither speaker nor addressee, they/them
Nafrero "He/she is talking to them" (object in the dative case)
talk.IPFImperfect tense/aspect (tense/aspect)
Past tense + Imperfect aspect AGNAgentive (case)
active or volitional case 3SThird person singular (person)
neither speaker nor addressee, DATDative (case)
indirect object; recipient, beneficiary, location 1SFirst person singular (person)
speaker, signer, etc.; I
*na-roFrERO > Narofrero "They are being talked to, one is talking to them"
talk.PASSPassive voice (valency)
be verb-ed/ IMPERImpersonal (valency)
Has no arguments IPFImperfect tense/aspect (tense/aspect)
Past tense + Imperfect aspect DATDative (case)
indirect object; recipient, beneficiary, location 1SFirst person singular (person)
speaker, signer, etc.; I
Note that the agent cannot be expressed when the passive-impersonal voice is used ("They are being talked to by him/her" > "He/she is talking to them").
Infixation of -w- after the first consonant of the root indicates reflexivity in the singular and reciprocity or reflexivity in the plural:
Upomoh "I am washing it" (object in the absolutive case)
wash.IPFImperfect tense/aspect (tense/aspect)
Past tense + Imperfect aspect AGNAgentive (case)
active or volitional case 1SFirst person singular (person)
speaker, signer, etc.; I, ABSAbsolutive (case)
TRANS object, INTR argument 3SThird person singular (person)
neither speaker nor addressee
Upwomoh "I am washing (myself)"
wash.REFLReflexive (valency)
argument acts on itself/ RECPReciprocal (valency)
arguments act on each other IPFImperfect tense/aspect (tense/aspect)
Past tense + Imperfect aspect AGNAgentive (case)
active or volitional case 1SFirst person singular (person)
speaker, signer, etc.; I
Freroa "They are talking to him/her" (object in the dative case)
talk.IPFImperfect tense/aspect (tense/aspect)
Past tense + Imperfect aspect AGNAgentive (case)
active or volitional case 3PThird person plural (person)
neither speaker nor addressee, they/them, DATDative (case)
indirect object; recipient, beneficiary, location 3SThird person singular (person)
neither speaker nor addressee
Fwereroa "They are talking to each other" or "They are talking to themselves"
talk.REFLReflexive (valency)
argument acts on itself/ RECPReciprocal (valency)
arguments act on each other IPFImperfect tense/aspect (tense/aspect)
Past tense + Imperfect aspect AGNAgentive (case)
active or volitional case 3PThird person plural (person)
neither speaker nor addressee, they/them
- Antipassive + causative
- Antipassive + passive/impersonal
- Reflexive/reciprocal + causative
Ukrore "I am eating it"
Antipassive: Ukrobre "I am eating"
Causative: Ukroren "I am making him/her eat it"
Antipassive + causative: Ukrobren "I am feeding him/her"
Xefkof ar mapu "He has told me the truth"
Antipassive: Xepfeko 'r mapu "He has told the truth"
Passive: Orxefkof ar mapu "I have been told the truth, one has told me the truth"
Antipassive + passive: Orxepfeko 'r mapu "The truth has been told, one has told the truth"
Upomo "I wash it"
Reflexive: Upwomo "I wash (myself)"
Causative: Upomon "I make him/her wash it"
Reflexive + causative: Upwomon "I make him/her wash (himself/herself)"
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