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Lesson #1: Phonology & Orthography
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This public article was written by [Deactivated User], and last updated on 14 Feb 2017, 16:44.

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Speaking the language of Queith consists of these three basic rules.

1. Every phoneme is represented by a specific grapheme, or letter.
2. Every instance of a letter represents the same sound. For example, the letter e is always pronounced as /i/.
3. There are no silent letters. Every time a letter appears in a word, it always makes a sound.

The phonology of this language is derived from American English in which the majority of the phonemes used is represented by a specific letter in order to make the language easy to understand how to speak and maintain consistency. This language was created with a few purposes in mind. First, for artistic expression. Which is why each word has been carefully crafted to sound pleasant. Second, this language is intended to be the language of a race of elves in a novel I'm currently writing. Most of the consonants make the primary sound as their English counterparts.

B = /b/, D = /d/, F = /f/, G = /g/, H = /h/, J = /d͡ʒ/, K = /k/, L = /l/, M = /m/, N = /n/, P = /p/, R = /ɹ/, S = /s/, T = /t/, V = /v/, W = /w/, Y = /j/, Z = /z/

Two of the remaining letters are assigned a specific phoneme.

C = /t͡ʃ/, X = /ʒ/

The remaining consonant phonemes are assigned a specific grapheme outside of the Latin Alphabet.

Φ = /θ/, Ѱ = /ð/, Ԅ = /ʃ/

In addition, there are two letters that are a blend of two phonemes.

Q = /kw/, Ñ = /nj/

Each of the vowels from the Latin Alphabet represent its long form in English. Note: the letter U is never pronounced like the word you.

A = /eɪ/, E = /i/, I = /aɪ/, O = /oʊ/, U = /u/

Whenever the vowels have an accent mark that means they are pronounced in their short form.

Á = /æ/, É = /ɛ/, Í = /ɪ/, Ó = /ɑ/, Ú = /ʌ/

The phoneme, /ə/, has its own letter.

Ə = /ə/

The last two letters are diphthongs that didn't have their own single letters in English.

Ƣ = /ɔi/, Ҧ = /aʊ/

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