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Softening - Vakànilà
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explanation of softening!
This public article was written by [Deactivated User], and last updated on 8 Feb 2023, 20:32.

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Menu 1. Softening 2. Phonemes Affected By Softening
[edit] [top]Softening

Softening (in Saio: vakànilà) is a phonological process that occurs within Saio words. Softening has its roots in a system of consonant mutations that were common in Old Saio, these mutations typically affected the first syllable in the word. Eventually these mutations began to spread past the first syllable of words. Consonants began to mutate if they were next to any other sound that would typically cause that sound to mutate. This process gradually led to the modern process of softening in Saio.

[edit] [top]Phonemes Affected By Softening

↳ /n/ softens to /ɲ/ when it is followed by /i/
↳ /ɲ/ and /n/ soften to /ŋ/ when they are followed by /k,g/
↳ /p/ softens to /f/ when it follows /i,ɪ,e,f,s,t͡s/ and it softens to /ɸ/ word finally
↳ /d̻/ softens to /ð̞/ intervocalically and word finally
↳ /k/ softens to either /g/ or /t͡ʃ/ depending on the sounds around it
→ softens to /t͡ʃ/ when followed by /i,e,ɪ/
↳ /g/ softens to /ʒ/ after /i,e,ɪ/
↳ /f/ softens to /ɸ/ word finally
↳ /v/ softens to /β/ word finally
↳ /s̻/ softens to /ɕ/ word finally and when geminated intervocalically
↳ /z̻/ softens to /ʑ/ word finally and when geminanted intervocalically
↳ /t͡s̻/ softens to /t͡ɕ/ word finally
↳ /d͡z̻/ softens to /d͡ʑ/ word finally
↳ /x/ softens to either /ç/ or /h:/ depending on environment
→ it softens to /ç/ before /i,e,ɪ/
→ it softens to /h:/ before /o,u,ʊ,ʌ/
↳ /h/ softens to /ɬ/ before /i,e,ɪ/
↳ /l/ softens to either /aʊ̯/ word finally or /ʎ/ before /i,e,ɪ/, it also softens to /w/ intervocalically except when it proceeds /i,e,ɪ/
↳ /ʎ/ softens to /ɪa̯/ word finally
↳ /r/ softens to /ɾ/ after any consonants
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