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Fusionality in Yoqaȟmi
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A brief overview of fusional phonotactics in Yohkamish
This public article was written by [Deactivated User], and last updated on 29 Feb 2024, 00:36.

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Although Yohkamish is a primarily agglutinating language, its syllable structure oftentimes requires fusion at morpheme boundaries in order to rectify prohibited sequences and clusters which result from regular agglutination. Below is a list of the most commonly occurring disallowed sequences (notated with an asterisk), followed by their fusional realizations. For ease of transcription, these will be written using Yohkamish orthography.

*čt > št

*čk > šk

*čp > šp

*čw > šw

*kt > ȟt

*tk > tȟ

*kp > ȟp

*pk > pȟ

*ky > č

*ty > č

*tl > tɫ

*sl > ɫ

*kh > kȟ

*kk > ȟk

*tt > ts

Additionally, no two distinct vowels may occur in succession. The following examples demonstrate which vowels and vowel qualities take precedence:

á + ą = ą́

á + a = á

e + í = é

ú + ǫ + ǫ́

In general, V1 + V2 = V1, with whatever vowel quality adjustments, if any, are required. This system of vowel replacement/alteration proceeds from left to right, although certain roots and affixes have "inherent vowels" which take precedence over any preceding or successive vowels.
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