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A brief introduction to Ancient Chroma
This public article was written by [Deactivated User] on 24 Apr 2022, 19:31.

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Ancient Chroma is a proto-language of some of the first inhabitants of the Golden Crescent in Chroma, the largest continent on Sacra. At its height, Ancient Chroma is spoken by nearly 1,000,000 people, mostly concentrated in several large cities. The capital city, Solus (called Solus no Chroma [IPA: /soʊlus noʊ χɹoʊma/] before the name grew to encapsulate the entire region), was home to almost half of those on its own.

The Chroma crossed the Cloudspire Mountains in a months-long journey to find a more habitable home for themselves and discovered a verdant landscape, earth rich with easily pliable metals, easy access to water and wildlife, and a celestial phenomenon they had never seen before. They were a small group, some two thousand men, women, and children: the only survivors of the harsh trek through the mountains and flight from the east. They brought with them their culture, their few belongings, and a primitive language built from carving runes into slabs of wood. This primitive language quickly broadened with new words for plants and animals never seen east of the mountains. The Chroma, now with bountiful resources at their fingertips grew quickly, splintering into various tribes, factions, and eventually nations. The Chroma went from a small, struggling group of survivors to the masters of the earth beneath them, spreading throughout the entirety of the Golden Crescent.
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