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Part of Speech code reference
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Reference to codes used by CWS for parts of speech
This public article was written by [Deactivated User], and last updated on 28 Nov 2017, 20:25.
[comments] [history] cws help When importing words to your dictionary, it is important that the part of speech code matches what CWS uses so that the words will be recognised when entered into your dictionary. In some cases, different codes may be used. Here is a list of the codes that CWS uses - for your reference - so you can ensure that these will be entered correctly. The cells that are red are those that were once supported on CWS, but have since been removed.
After importing, if you have words that have unrecognised part of speech codes, you will receive a warning automatically by our system. If these aren't fixed within a reasonable timeframe, the words will likely be purged from CWS. It is therefore easier if you can update your part of speech codes prior to uploading and importing your lexicon to CWS.
Code | Part of speech |
V | verb |
ADJ | adjective |
N | noun |
C | conjunction |
P | pronoun |
I | interjection |
ADV | adverb |
PHR | phrase |
PST | postposition |
PRP | preposition |
SUF | suffix |
AFF | affix |
PRF | prefix |
PRT | particle |
ADP | adposition |
AUX | auxilliary |
PPR | proper noun |
ABB | abbreviation |
DET | determiner |

Edit history
on 28/11/17 20:25+360[Deactivated User]added info about purging of words
on 21/07/17 16:44-28[Deactivated User]particles ar a thing again
on 18/01/16 19:09-200[Deactivated User]updated table classes