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Sondilo & Handil Grammar
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This public article was written by [Deactivated User], and last updated on 8 Apr 2017, 22:41.

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Menu 1. Independent Pronouns 2. Verbal Morphology 3. Handil Sandbox
[edit] [top]Independent Pronouns

singular fauhaku
dual nuratebenēpōrate
plural nuwakewarōku

[edit] [top]Verbal Morphology

Historically this was pretty darn regular, cf. the prefixal person agreement:
subject sabiti
object sarawi

In Handil, this gets real irregular real fast.

The Suffixes

Stackable Aspects:
-siŋgē "about to"
-lattuta "beginning to, becoming"

Primary Tense & Aspect:
-no IPFVImperfective (aspect)
'interrupted or incomplete'

-∅ PFVPerfective (aspect)
completed action

-rōsu DEODeontic (mood)
things that should be
"should, must"
-(C²)ūpiro DESDesiderative (mood)
wishes, desires, wants
"want to"¹

-pe HSYHearsay evidential (evidential)
'I have heard that...'
"I hear that..." (but am not willing to confirm)

Plural marker²:
-hande PLPlural (number)
more than one/few

-pōta DUDual (number)

¹Note: The desiderative markers is one of several suffixes which eat the final vowel of the verb they follow, and when immediately following a voiceless stop rhotic or lateral, i.e. ‹p t k r l›, cause consonant gemination.

²Note: The plural markers merely mark that one of the verb's two main arguments is plural or dual. It does not specify which. In case one argument is dual and the other plural, the largest number wins.

[edit] [top]Handil Sandbox

3Third person (person)
neither speaker nor addressee
.SUBSubject (argument).1First person (person)
speaker, signer, etc; I
.OBJObject (argument) (aspect)
'interrupted or incomplete'
-DESDesiderative (mood)
wishes, desires, wants
-PLPlural (number)
more than one/few

They're about to see us!

from *tisapahakēsiŋgenūbirohande

cp. Shafahenjubrand! "They were about to see us!"

Albahenufir femb.
1First person (person)
speaker, signer, etc; I
.SUBSubject (argument).3Third person (person)
neither speaker nor addressee
.OBJObject (argument)-see-IPFVImperfective (aspect)
'interrupted or incomplete'
-DESDesiderative (mood)
wishes, desires, wants

I want to see the ball.

Brandrunufir femb shi fa?
Do you want to give me the ball?

Brandrunufilbot femb shi fa?
Do you want to give me those two balls?

Brandrunufirand femb shi fa?
Do you want to give me those balls?

Bravembandru shi hu?
Did you give her the ball?
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