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list of punctuation/"mlm"
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there's a lot of punctuation
This public article was written by [Deactivated User], and last updated on 30 Sep 2021, 21:35.

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Menu 1. basic 2. modifiers & special basic 3. emotions/body states 4. prosody 5. gestures 6. person referrents 7. animal sounds 8. other sounds This article will be updated as more punctuations are found. MLM = meta-linguistic mark.

Zarikavan system of punctuation/MLMs is highly developed and can represent speaker emotion, prosody, gestures, and primal sounds pretty precisely, like if it were a movie script. Multiple of them can appear together in a sentence, which makes them even more powerful. These are the punctuations that have been discovered so far.

.: Similar to the period in English. It comes before the first word of the sentence, and also before any other emotion marks.
...: Like . but starts a paragraph, i.e. a set of dialog or a few topical sentences.
pause}: Denotes a short pause like "...". It can be modified by the emotional reducer or intensifier diacritics, to become shorter or longer.
lp}rp}: Parentheses for when you need to inject another sentence into the sentence. The open parenthesis is on the left, close parenthesis on the right. They also function as quotation marks when doubled.
lpn}rpn}: These parentheses are used for proper nouns (but sometimes for important regular objects). Importantly, you can put a name surrounded by these after the . and before other emotions to denote who is talking.
& : Middle dot. Just a comma like in a list, like "a,b,c,d,..." It's sometimes shorthand for the conjunction "na" (and).
wave}: In one use it's like the commas of English numerical place value (6,000,123,456), going between digits. It's optional and goes between every 256s (makes more sense in base 4) place instead of every 1000s place though. In the other use it's like ellipsis when continuing a list that goes on like "a,b,c,d,..."
var1}var2}var3}var4}var5}: These five filled-in symbols are common placeholder name/phrases and mathematical variables. They are described by "triangle","circle", etc.
esame}: Has two purposes. Denotes that the emotion of this sentence is the same as previous, and also is used without . to separate certain disconnected clauses of a sentence.

[edit] [top]modifiers & special basic

they modify junk.

esame}eint}esame}ered}: On the two sample esame}s are the emotional intensifier and emotional reducer diacritics respectively. They increase or decrease the effect of every punctuation that makes sense to have it. Sometimes people write many emotional intensifiers, analogous to that English can have many !!!!! in a row; like sad}eint}eint}eint} to show extreme unrest.
esame}enot}: This emphasizes there is no such emotion involved, or, it removes a previously declared emotion.
esame}econ}: This shows the emotion is attempted to be hidden, and genuine.
esame}eforc}: And this shows the emotion is deliberated, forced, or sarcastic, like aaa}eforc} is a fake scream.
esame}econ}eint}eint}eint}: A funny special literary punctuation for when they're trying really really hard to conceal an emotion; like maybe they are acting.

①&②&③&④&⑤&⑥&wave}: Numbers in a . (which has been elongated to a hexagon to contain the number) are the same as ordered list. Like "1. Cats are fun. 2. Cats are weird. 3. Cats are cool. 4. ..."

[edit] [top]emotions/body states

These can appear anywhere in the sentence (as if there was a sudden emotional change mid-sentence), but are very frequently in the beginning, just after ..
neut}: Neutral. The speaker is indifferent, nonchalant, or trying to hide an emotion. Or maybe the emotion doesn't even matter, like in academics.
happy}: Happy (looks like a tail with right bias). The speaker is generally contented or pleased.
sad}: Sad (looks like a tail with left bias). The speaker is generally discontent or fearful.
dom}: Dominant (looks like east antlers). The speaker is establishing or affecting dominance/assertion.
sub}: Submissive (looks like west antlers). The speaker is being or affecting submission/humility.
alert}: Alert (looks like standing on four legs). The speaker is paying attention, maybe they are also fearful. But they could just as well ready to hear a funny joke. They could also be energetic.
tired}: Lethargic (looks like laying down on the belly). The speaker is finding it hard to stay awake and do normal energetic activities.
extrv}: Extroverted (looks like ears held high). The speaker is outgoing; wanting to make or be with their friends.
intrv}: Introverted (looks like ears held low). The speaker wants to be left alone.
care}: Care (looks like a fawn suckling). The speaker is empathetic, compassionate or caring, sort of like how a mother cares about their child.
play}: Play (looks like a finger pressing something). The speaker of curious, playful, or adventurous; ready for new experience.
lust}: Lust (looks like a female urinating). The speaker is sexually biased or horny.
desir}: Inquisitive (looks like rooting). The speaker is searching or asking for something.
exhst}: Exhausted (looks like a gust of wind). The speaker just exercised a lot and is out of energy (but not sleepy).
drunk}: Drunk (looks like a fermented apple). Not just drunk, but also high: the speaker is mentally affected by any drug.
hungr}: Hunger (looks like a thin torso). The speaker is hungry or thirsty.
joke}: Irony (looks like two fawns fighting). The speaker is ironic or sarcastic, saying what they don't mean.
gross}: Disgusted (looks like vomiting). The speaker is revolted or grossed out.
confu}: Confused (looks like disorienting directions). The speaker doesn't know what's going on.
ser}: Serious (looks like a hard stare). The speaker is unironic or dead serious, and means to be heard.
frust}: Frustrated/Motivated (looks like interlocked antlers). The speaker is frustrated, vehemently motivated, disappointed, disillusioned, or resentful.

[edit] [top]prosody

These can also appear anywhere in the sentence, especially for altering certain parts of it.
fast}: (looks like an eagle) Speaking quickly.
slow}: (looks like a starfish) Speaking slowly.
loud}: (looks like lightning) Speaking loudly.
quiet}: (looks like rain) Speaking quietly.
highp}: (looks like a small insect) Speaking in a consistently high pitch.
lowp}: (looks like a drum) Speaking in a consistently low pitch (but not in the glottal fry register).
tnint}: (looks like a greatly changing volume graph) Speaking with exaggerated intonation (with higher high and lower low pitches).
tnred}: (looks like a constant volume graph) Speaking with little intonation, or even monotonously, like some stereotypical robot.

[edit] [top]gestures

basic gestures

north}: (looks like facing North) The speaker is facing who they mean to talk to directly, usually face-to-face, possibly with intent.
east}: (looks like facing East) The speaker is facing away from or not paying attention to who they mean to talk to (like with a dismissive attitude), but they are still near.
west}: (looks like facing West) The speaker is not near who they mean to talk to, and yet they communicate. For example, when you scream in the middle of the forest, or through a phone call. Especially used in literature or poetry when someone talks to the reader.
south}: (looks like facing South) The speaker is talking to nobody in particular. It can be for internal monologue, self-assurance, being passive-aggressive, etc.
flick}: (unknown appearance) The speaker flicks their ears or tail (likely due to happiness.)
stret}: (looks like a deer stretching) The speaker is stretching one or more of their body parts.

[edit] [top]person referrents

when it's necessary, they describe what person is currently talking, in a quote or story script. to be more specific, use the naming quotes before the emotion marks. to help symbolize who is talking, we can also make a one-handed gesture (and sometimes the persons are used without quotes to denote these funny gestures).

narr}: narrator/deity. used in saying timeless quotes or fortunes, or in academics for universal discoveries, i.e. "the penrose tiling is aperiodic". hand gesture: close your thumbs and open your fingers, and orient the hand vertically, palm facing away from you.
first}: first person (I say). point to yourself/selves with your inner finger.
second}: second person (You say). point to the reciever(s) with your inner finger.
third}: third person specific who is here (He/she/it says). still point to them with inner finger...
fourth}: third person generic / fourth person (Someone says). same as narrator/deity gesture, except don't point upwards.
every}: common sense (everyone/anyone says). Open your fingers and thumbs, and make the hand parallel to the ground, palm facing down.

[edit] [top]animal sounds

sounds that a person or animal can make. some animals can greet or scream in a different way, for example, but they can still use these symbols

yawn}: yawning or sighing, to get air. it might make little noise, but even then it's still a gesture.
pant}: panting. you're exhausted *huff* and need air *huff* a lot.
hello}: social grunt. animals use this to call to their herd.
aaa}: scream. animals in distress will scream or bleat desperately.
snort}: snort or wheeze. breathe forcibly through the nose, which makes a kind of whistle.

more soon...

[edit] [top]other sounds

instead of onomatopoeia, we just try to imitate the sound exactly, as closely as our vocal tract allows. so these sounds can get somewhat complicated, and is depicted by a graph that shows volume, base pitch, length, and timbre over time.

(no samples yet, sorry)

many more of all categories will be discovered soon.

See the translations of this language for examples of these punctuation in use.

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