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Roradist Deities
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A summary of Belestáni/Katrashtani mythology
This public article was written by [Deactivated User], and last updated on 20 Jul 2018, 17:20.

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Raurad (Raurad)
The one Lord of Roradists, and the father of all deities. He created the world out of nothing, and is the one omnipotent, omniscient and omnipresent being.
Feast: December 21
Cakkah (Shakkah)
The wife of Raurad and the deity of life. She helped Raurad to create life, and she gave birth to all the deities.
Feast: December 21
Verzesto (Verzesto)
The eldest son of Raurad and the deity of land and bravery. He created the continents and gave fire to the Belestáni.
Feast: January 12
Lauca (Lauca)
Verzesto's twin and the deity of water and beauty. She created the oceans and seas, and is the most beautiful of Raurad's daughters.
Feast: January 12
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