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Relative clauses
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How to form relative clauses in Bashraso
This public article was written by [Deactivated User], and last updated on 18 Mar 2018, 12:19.

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Relative clauses usually follow the head of the sentence with the pronoun being retained. This leads to the personal pronouns showing up more often as relative pronouns than as actual personal pronouns because they are usually dropped in that function (unless for emphasis).


I) man [he sleeps alone] doesn't hear me

galala mye megamamaz qazam twat thibalim

man.NOM 3SgenI.NOM genI.alone.ADV sleep.3SgenI 1S.ACC NEG.hear.3SgenI

man, he sleeps alone, doesn't hear me

The man who sleeps alone doesn't hear me.

II) house [I sleep in it] is round

aiwas yomyaal qazawa yodhu mwarom

house.NOM 3SgenIII.LOC sleep.1S genIII.round be.3SgenIII

house, in it I sleep, round is

The house that I sleep in is round.

III) woman [her sisters sing beautiful songs] loves your dog

Mabama myem tlisaisi miisaamiz zilika zilemisi dim qoirat malim.

woman.NOM 3SgenI.POSS sister.P.NOM genIV.beautiful song.ACC.Pl sing.3PgenI 2P.POSS dog.ACC love.3SgenI

woman, her sisters sing beautiful songs, loves your dog

The woman whose sisters sing beautiful songs loves your dog.
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