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Dialogs and other texts
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Just me practicing the language
This public article was written by [Deactivated User], and last updated on 26 Mar 2016, 16:04.

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Menu 1. Basic dialog 1 - Meeting new people 2. Basic dialog 2 - Introducing Yourself 3. Poetry 1 - the Sun
[edit] [top]Basic dialog 1 - Meeting new people

Geron - Ce moije! Qua Geron! Hello! I am Geron! Velai - Ce moije Gerolie! Qua Velai. Ce tua? Hello Geron! I am Velai. Are you good? Geron - Qua tua. E ce tuā? I am good. And are you good? Velai - Qua tuā! Moizu lusie! I am good! Goodbye! Geron - Moizu lusie, Velailie! Goodbye, Velai!
Geron - You peace-LOCLocative (case)
'in, on, at' etc
! I [am] Geron! Velai - You peace-LOCLocative (case)
'in, on, at' etc
Geron-VOCVocative (case)
'O [addressee]'
! I [am] Velai. [Are] you good? Geron - I [am] good. And [are] you good-SPIUnknown code? Velai - I [am] good-SPIUnknown code! Peace-ACCAccusative (case)
TRANS direct object; patient
see-2Second person (person)
addressee (you)
Geron - Peace-ACCAccusative (case)
TRANS direct object; patient
see-2Second person (person)
addressee (you)
, Velai-VOCVocative (case)
'O [addressee]'
[edit] [top]Basic dialog 2 - Introducing Yourself
Lusil - Ce moije! Velon - Ce moije! Rhizu pioneli? Lusil - Lusilu piona. E ce rhikhizu? Velon - Qua Velon. Qua pi sine lusia! Lusil - Po! Moizu lusie!
Lusil -
[edit] [top]Poetry 1 - the Sun
Nulālie, O Sun, Cecilie oni liekā, Your light speaks, Cecilie buin giu hoquasekā, Your holiness knows me, Cecilie khi viekā, Your person punishes, Nulālie. O Sun

Sun-VOCVocative (case)
'O [addressee]'
You-GENGenitive (case)
.VOCVocative (case)
'O [addressee]'
light speak-3IThird person inanimate (person)
it, not he/she/they
You-GENGenitive (case)
.VOCVocative (case)
'O [addressee]'
holiness I-ACCAccusative (case)
TRANS direct object; patient
know-3IThird person inanimate (person)
it, not he/she/they

You-GENGenitive (case)
.VOCVocative (case)
'O [addressee]'
person punish-3IThird person inanimate (person)
it, not he/she/they

Sun-VOCVocative (case)
'O [addressee]'

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