LotM style summary for CSB
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This public article was written by [Deactivated User], and last updated on 4 Jan 2022, 21:05.
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2. CSB sketch
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This article is a work in progress! Check back later in case any changes have occurred.
Botiq has 27 consonants. Plosives have voiced, voiceless and aspirated variations.
There is a front-back vowel harmony system. Each front vowel /y/, /e/, /a/ has their back pair /u/, /o/, /ɑ/, and the two classes can not appear in the same word. /i/ is a neutral vowel. Most of the words follow this rule, but there are some exceptions. There is also a vowel, /ɯ/ which only appears in some certain environments.
Botiq has many difficult allophonic rules. For example /x/ is pronoinced as [ʃ] in the environment of /i/, /e/ and /æ/. /o:/ becomes [ow] before another vowel, and ect...
The syllable structure is (C)(V)(C)(C)(C). Triple word final consonant clusters are rare, but they exist. There are also words without vowels, such as: ndžg [n̩d͡ʒg] cripple, sfx [s̩fx] really.
The basic word order of CSB is VSO, but because of the hierarchy, the subject can not be an inanimate noun. In this case we use passive voice. CSB is head-final.
Verbs are complicated. Due to historical sound changes, Classical-Botiq lost it's simple and clear tense-aspect-mood system. Old auxiliary words evolved into suffixes. Perfective and imperfective merged together and became simple past marked by vowel backing. The past-continous turned into a habitual aspect, which also marks conditional, and imperative mood. There are several verb classes which determine what will happen to the first and the last letter when we add an affix. Subject-object combinations are marked as prefixes, tense, aspect and mood are marked as suffixes.
Classical Botiq distinguishes animate and inanimate nouns. Inanimate nouns can not be the subject, and they have different case markings. CSB has 8+1 cases. Absolutive, ergative, dative, genitive, locative, lative, ablative, instrumental-comitative and vocative, which can not apply to inanimate nouns. Some cases marked as suffixes, some with internal inflections (fronting, rounding), and some with both. For example different forms of suhmul house are: suhmulõ, suhmul, sühmüii, suhmuũ, suhmulub, sühmüii, sühmüžii, suhmuuž.
Personal pronouns are complicated. There are three levels of formality, different human and non-human third person pronouns, they are all inflected for case, and most of them are really irregular. So different forms of md you (SG) are: md, dinhi, diviy, medm, dihnem, diviyem, mdž, dünhüdž, düvüüdž, ect...
If you are interrested you can read more about CSB in these aritcles:
CSB Phonology and writing
CSB verbs
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