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Intarángul's Syntax
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All the syntax of Intarángul in one article!
This public article was written by [Deactivated User], and last updated on 21 Mar 2024, 20:25.

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Menu 1. Intarángul's Syntax | sĵóntaksi ókil intarángulak
[edit] [top]Intarángul's Syntax | sĵóntaksi ókil intarángulak

1. Basic Syntagmas
The first thing we'll see are the basic syntagmas (what I mean with basic syntagmas are the ones whose nucleus isn't a verb, thus, a basic syntagma). They all share a common component, which is the nucleus we've said before. What's the nucleus? Maybe you can guess right now that it refers to the core part of the syntagma, and you're right! The syntagmas can be of various types depending on the part of speech of the nucleus, which can be a noun (also the pronoun and replacer fall inside this type), adjective, adverb or an adposition. How can we recognize it? If you remove the nucleus from the syntagma, you can find that, either there's no syntagma no longer (if the syntagma is only made of the nucleus), or it loses its sense completely (when its a syntagma with more components plus the nucleus).

1.1. Nominal Syntagmas
Nominal syntagmas are the ones whose nucleus is a noun. It can be made up of three two basic optional components (plus the nucleus, obviously): the determinant (the name already talks by itself) and the nominal complement, which can be either a nominal syntagma, an adjectival, or an adpositional.
EXAMPLE: Jé wéꝛzil áŵgen (The blue water). The nucleus is áŵgen (water), the determinant (this case, a determined article), and the nominal complement (wéꝛzil (blue)), in this case a adjectival adjective, made only by its nucleus, wéꝛzil.

1.2. Adjectival Syntagmas
Adjectival syntagmas have an adjective as their nucleus. It's made up of the mandatory nucleus, and the optional modificators (an adverbial syntagma) and adjectival compliment (a prepositional syntagma), which complement and modify the nucleus' meaning.
EXAMPLE: Kúmplmant hábhabdi xóšꝛĵe ṭó (Completely open to him). The nucleus is hábhabdi (open), the modificator is the adverbial kúmplmant (completely), made of the nucleus kúmplmant, and the adjectival complement being xóšꝛĵe ṭó (to him), which is a preopisitional syntagma made of the link ṭó (to) and the term, made of the nominal syntagma, with the ṭó ((he/)him) nucleus.
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