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Kashtyrian sound changes
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some language history
This public article was written by [Deactivated User], and last updated on 15 Apr 2019, 20:38.

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Menu 1. Old Kashtyrian 2. More vowel changes
The oldest ancestor of Kashtyrian is simply known as Old Kashtyrian and was spoken about 800 up until 900 AD. Since then the language has undergone relatively few changes. Most of them are vowel changes: Old Kashtyrian only had three vowel sounds, Standard Kashtyrian today has nine monophthongs and two diphthongs. Some dialects differ in pronounciation a bit, but they are all mutually intelligible.

[edit] [top]Old Kashtyrian

The oldest known source of Kashtyrian language is a short text engraved in a cave with a predecessor of the Kashtyrian script. That inscription was made around the year 850. It was deduced that the language it was written in had three vowels [i a u] and 13 consonants [p t k ʔ x ʃ m n r s h l f], but the vowels began to change in that time period. The earliest known Kashtyrian sound change had begone, it shortened [i a u] to [ɪ ä ʊ].

Also around this time, any i at the end of a word vanished. But when later the first suffixes occurred, these i's showed up again and even remained [i] instead of being [ɪ].

[edit] [top]More vowel changes

In the following centuries the number of Kashtyrian speakers grew and differences began to split the population. But before that happened, a few major changes took place which increased the number of vowels
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