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Story of the Iriaşen dynasty
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Iriaşen kajün iŋgüd
This private article was written by [Deactivated User], and last updated on 15 Feb 2022, 21:10.

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Menu 1. Preface - Fatastah - Fatastah 2. Chapter I.: Kings of Emmili - Üze erinad: Emmilin açüg - Üze erinad: Emmilin açüg 3. Chapter II.: The war of Tit - Yu erinad: Titin yedüdü - Yu erinad: Titin yedüdü
[edit] [top]Preface - Fatastah - Fatastah

Dütiştãdãs keza, oh leüş, Iriaşen inad?
Kşedgük tün çünin u ünsian iŋgüd.
Sezg mahüg ũgu tün gegün nürgüt.

Üzirüg süfa, oh leüş, bgüşün, çrimarian kşedgük.
Tügidadü, oh Iriaşü nelü, dgügüjün sa.
Resinit tü tunuf, tunumn guspun çigü.

Dütiştãdãs keza, oh leüş, Iriaşen inad?
Kşedgük tün çünin u ünsian iŋgüd.
Sezg mahüg ũgu tün gegün nürgüt.

Üzirüg süfa, oh leüş, bgüşün, çrimarian kşedgük.
Tügidadü, oh Iriaşü nelü, dgügüjün sa.
Resinit tü tunuf, tunumn guspun çigü.

Have you ever heard, oh young man, the name of Iriaş and sons'?
The stories of their strength and wisdom.
How many men have bent their knees to them.

I'll tell you, oh young man, tales of honour, valor and treason.
Betrayed was he, oh good Iriaş, chosen one of peoples.
Poisoned by his own blood, his nefarious elder brother.

Oh, Ejain açü mahü, Ayseḑakü, üyiŋk, ki faraz idgün suz dimirnir, dunçouon ştẽhaztanaf deden çigü, Selnedimün ütizin çigü.
Undugun küzdünteb tihh aãsüs üzigartãt. Ikkin, mirnan, madurn, üninz, ünkan ziztin küzdeb faral üyimagüt, ünaçirgük u eügük ütisaf üzeb. Bügkügjed üyimagü ey, razagük mahgük u ünsia bügaçgük zitgük küzdeb. Ünütizügük, sünütizügük'e mahmab gi uçouotõt, na tügn alegün çigü mahüba dud, du dakajüd dat ada. Ünsind nlepükgin yejübarain tükrazan dagü, üs idgün kunt dagü du ükeḑü, ünirinn taln suz.

Kizzeb dar!

Oh, Ejain açü mahü, Ayseḑakü, üyiŋk, ki faraz idgün suz dimirnir, dunçouon ştẽhaztanaf deden çigü, Selnedimün ütizin çigü. Undugun küzdünteb tihh aãsüs üzigartãt. Ikkin, mirnan, madurn, üninz, ünkan ziztin küzdeb faral üyimagüt, ünaçirgük u eügük ütisaf üzeb. Bügkügjed üyimagü ey, razagük mahgük u ünsia bügaçgük zitgük küzdeb. Ünütizügük, sünütizügük'e mahmab gi uçouotõt, na tügn alegün çigü mahüba dud, du dakajüd dat ada. Ünsind nlepükgin yejübarain tükrazan dagü, üs idgün kunt dagü du ükeḑü, ünirinn taln suz.

Kizzeb dar!

Oh, great king of the Ejai, Ayseḑak, please accept this work as a gift from your most faithful old servant, Selnedim, the ütizi*.
During my long life, I've traveled the world. I studied the arts of the harp, lute, the lyre and the flute, and my long gone voice, all to praise my masters and gods. I studied history too, the great acts and wisdom of long gone kings. I served many great lords and ladies, but none of them were greater than you, and your family. As I approach my death with accelerating steps, I owe you one final gift as a symbol of my gratitude.

Oh, great king of the Ejai, please accept this work as a gift from your most faithful old servant.
Like bees collect pollen of roses, to produce sweet honey, I collected these legends of your ancestors to serve as standard to your descendants.

Oh, great king of the Ejai, please accept this work as a gift from your most faithful old servant.
May this compilation bring you and your descendants inspiration.
May you and your descendants receive the great wisdom of the old kings.
May you and your descendants live long and rule for ages, as your ancestors did.
May the gods serve you, who sit on the golden throne of Ejai, as you, who serves them kneeling on the floor of temples.

[edit] [top]Chapter I.: Kings of Emmili - Üze erinad: Emmilin açüg - Üze erinad: Emmilin açüg

Long before the great flood, the king of Emmili had two sons: Kimdin and Iriaş. Kimdin was the firstborn, he was the heir of the throne. He was a spoiled, evil child, and he grew into a cruel tyrannous ruler. He wanted to get rid of his brother, who was more popular among the people.
In those times Emmili was at war with Edürm. Kimdin decided to send his brother into a hopeless battle to get him killed. The enemy outnumbered the army of Iriaş by three to one. Despite the odds Iriaş defeated the enemy army and he also captured the king of Edürm.

Aç çüineseb, egü ebrijüd tih sẽgü.
Intig tetteb, feyen tihh yaniten daü.
Şkeḑ datün rõvşud uogtud kserüt.
Idügü aḑingen çigü, mahanab açayüf.

Aç çüineseb, egü ebrijüd tih sẽgü.
Intig tetteb, feyen tihh yaniten daü.
Şkeḑ datün rõvşud uogtud kserüt.
Idügü aḑingen çigü, mahanab açayüf.

Powerless king lies on the cold stone floor.
Like a captured lion under a victorious sole.
Yesterday's enemy now wrapped in heavy chains.
As gift from a prince, who's greater than two kings.

Kimdin was mad. He sent his brother to defeat the rebell tribes in the mountains of Khemigh. His fame traveled faster than Iriaş. When he reached the mountains of Khemigh, the locals greeted him as their savior, who will liberate them from the tyranny of Kimdin. Iriaş decided to go back to Emmili with his new allies to take the throne. Hearing this, Kimdin fled to Edinem. Iriaş took the throne without resistance. He married the daughter of the king of Edürm, and she gave birth of a son called Seryaş.
Meanwhile in Edinem Kimdin planned his revenge. One day, when Seryaş was 10 years old, Kimdin came back to Emmili in disguise and poisoned Iriaş and his wife. The council of the noblemen elected Kimdin as the new king. Kimdin sold Seryaş in Atkedm as a slave. There he served in the royal palace of Mawa. Soon his masters realized, he was a skillful warrior, educated in history and science. The king of Mawa, king Zgimi decided to liberate him and raised him alongside his own children.

Seryaş lived a peaceful life in Mawa. He studied in the school of Kegnined, played games with his friends in the palace, and had no thoughts about taking back his kingdom. In his sixteenth year, a bunch of old noblemen came into the palace. They said they were members of the royal council of Emmili, and they are now in exile, looking for shelter. They also said there was a rebellion against king Kimdin, who has now begun to crash the allies of Iriaş and the rebels. Soon they met the exiled prince Seryaş, who was not interested in the rebellion. He wanted to stay in Mawa and marry the king's daughter Innajad. He needs to be there to prove he is worthy, otherwise king Zgimi will give her to the prince of Tit-Zehem, Hishara, who is an ally of Kimdin. One of the noblemen said that, "He, who can conquer a whole kingdom, is more worthy than who just inherited one". Finally they managed to convince him to lead the rebellion.

He left Mawa to join his followers in the mountains of Khemigh. In months he and his army took most of Emmili and reached the gates of Beshvaiaash. Kimdin was terrified. He called his allies from Zehem and Edinem for help. Soon the reinforcement came. The allied army was led by Hishara, the prince of Tit-Zehem. He hoped he will kill Seryaş in battle, and take his head to Mawa to prove his worthiness. They fought for long days, but finally Seryaş won. He killed Kimdin and his allies, and reestablished the order in the country. Soon Seryaş decided to go back to Mawa for Innajad, but when he arrived, he found she was gone. After the battle in Beshvaiaash, Hishara quickly sailed back to Mawa with a skull, and managed to convince it was Seryaş. Zgimi gave him Innajad and now they are in the fortress of Tit-Zehem. It was an irresponsible thing from Hishara to do, because this incident caused a war that lasted for more than 300 years.

[edit] [top]Chapter II.: The war of Tit - Yu erinad: Titin yedüdü - Yu erinad: Titin yedüdü

Mihgü sidüd Titin mẽthif.
Uĵo Heva zẽrat garüf.
Açüg yedgüt kin disif,
Na kogu ne ey mahaf.

Mihgü sidüd Titin mẽthif.
Uĵo Heva zẽrat garüf.
Açüg yedgüt kin disif,
Na kogu ne ey mahaf.

Many died for the prince of Tit-Zehem.
Blood dyed the great sea of Heva red.
Kings of the world fighting till the end,
But no one survives the day of judgement.

When Seryaş realized what happened, rage filled his heart. He said: "How could Zgimi be so stupid to believe Hişara's story? He was deceived by come featureless bald skull!" He decided to gather his army and sail against Tit-Zehem. But his army was weak and tired of the long war. He asked Zgimi for his army, but he said no. Seryaş needed to find new allies for his new war. He found a nobleman from Gútúz called Sijar Sĩnesrizen. Sijar offered him to help in his war, but Gútúz had a bad relationship with Máwa. The king of Gútúz, Anẽf would not approve Sijar to send his army to fight alongside his enemies, so Sijar asked Seryaş to convince Zgimi to send his army against Gútúz, and he will let them in the gates. Seryaş was not impressed by this vile plan, but he needed Sijar's help. He managed to convince Zgimi to march against Gútúz, and by the end of the month they were at the gates.
Meanwhile in Gútúz, Sijar reported to king Anẽf: "Oh, your majesty, my great lord! Let me tell you what did I saw, while riding on the fields of Dáwtág. I saw an army under the flag of Máwa. Heading to west, up the river towards us. They had hundreds of armored horsemen, and thousands of foot soldiers, all ready for siege. They are coming against us! We must prepare for the siege! Oh, my lord! Let me offer my services as captain. I have an army full of great warriors. They will guard the gates of Gútúz." Anẽf agreed and ordered Sijar's army to guard the gates.
One night, when the city was in deep sleep, Sijar opened the gates and let the armies of Seryaş and Zgimi in. They took the important points of the city, while Sijar and his men broke into the palace and killed king Anẽf and his family. By the sunrise Sijar's flag was waving above the city.
After Sijar crowned himself as the new king of Gútúz, he offered his army to Seryaş. He also said to him: "You proved your loyalty and competence as a warlord. For I have no successor, I would like to offer you the rank of prince of Gútúz." Seryaş gladly accepted the honor, and sailed down the Máwa river towards Tit-Zehem.

Innajadz tünzübnüg
Seryaşaf fikkargüt,
itarad tunũoç,
tümbagad següdüd.

"Seryaşü tünzizad,
mihn dagü keḑügür!
Hişara ũ vavüs da.
Raübe düzirs keḑüfa?"

Tündilügü eügüf,
Yeçintüg tinütãt,
Seryaşü mihn dagü
Zehemed iŋgüdart.

Innajadz tünzübnüg
Seryaşaf fikkargüt,
itarad tunũoç,
tümbagad següdüd.

Seryaşü tünzizad,
mihn dagü keḑügür!
Hişara ũ vavüs da.
Raübe düzirs keḑüfa?

Tündilügü eügüf,
Yeçintüg tinütãt,
Seryaşü mihn dagü
Zehemed iŋgüdart.

Innajad her tears,
she sheds them for Seryaş,
in prison cell of gold
suffers her husband.

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