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Intarángul Lesson #6
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In this lesson we're teaching how words are derivated into a different part of speech.
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Menu 1. Lesson 6: Derivation | lékizon 6 - dyrivazók
[edit] [top]Lesson 6: Derivation | lékizon 6 - dyrivazók

6.1. Notation
I'm going to have this notation during the lesson: [PoS (not always), base] → [PoS (not always), result] (meaning (optional)) {affix}
We're going to decompose the following example so we can understand it: [N] → [V] (to do N) {#C/#iznek; #V/#znek}
[N] → [V]: transform a noun into a verb
(to do N): what the result means
{#C/#iznek; #V/#znek}: the affix (in this case a suffix) added to the base to derive it into the result.
If we have a case of [1]→[1'], it means we modify the same word, not transform the part of speech.
With this explain, now we can list all the possible derivation transformations in Intarángul.

6.2. Derivations possible in Intarángul
  • [ADJ]→[ADV] (in a ADJ manner) {#/#mant}
  • [ADJ]→[N] (the quality of being ADJ) {#/#tiĵ}
  • [ADJ]→[V] (to make something ADJ) {#/#sozi}
  • [N]→[ADJ] (having the quality of N) {#/#ppec}
  • [N]→[ADJ] (related to N) {#/#eže}
  • [N]→[V] (to do V) {#/#izneḍ}
  • [V]→[ADJ] (result of doing V) {#/#uddu}
  • [V]→[N] (the act of N) {#/#eklmi}
  • [V]→[N] (N that V produces} {#/#ṭĵa}
  • [1]→[1'] (one who does V) {#/#aŵře}
  • [1]→[1'] (place of N) {#/#hotna}
  • [1]→[1'] (tending to N2, N1-ish) {#/#kogł}
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