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Intarángul Lesson #4
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In this lesson we're going to talk about verbs
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Menu 1. Lesson 4: Verbs | lékizon 4 - vĵóŵrbl
[edit] [top]Lesson 4: Verbs | lékizon 4 - vĵóŵrbl

4.1. Grammatical features used in verb conjugations
A verb can be conjugated according to person (1st Internal (only for singular, just speaker), 1st Inclusive (we including you), 1st Exclusive (we excluding you), 2nd Informal, 2nd Formal, 3rd (masculine animate, feminine animate and neuter animate and 4th refering to a dead entity), number (singular, dual or plural), tense (present, past, future, conditional and imperative, these two being included in "tense" due to sociocultural reasons) and modality (only two specific for each tense except imperative).

4.2. Tenses/forms just using specific or any features
There are some verbs that just use, for example, 3rd persons, or just singular and dual. In Intarángul, exists only one which only uses 2nd persons (both informal and formal), the imperative, and the non-personal forms of the verbs: the infinitive (non-changed form), participle (only used in Past Perfect) and the gerund (only used in Present Continuative and Future Distant).

4.3. Tenses/forms present in verbs
  • Present Habitual: Describes actions that are rutinal or habitual.
  • Present Continuous: Describes actions happening now in the present.
  • Past Continuous: Despite having the same name as the Present Continuous, describes actions that started and ended in the past.
  • Past Perfect: Describes actions that started in the past and ended in the present, still ocurring in the present, or hasn't finished yet in the present.
  • Future Near: Describes actions that will happen in the near future.
  • Future Distant: Describes actions that will happen in the distant future.
  • Conditional Probable: Describes actions that could have happened either now, before or after with certainty or high probabilty.
  • Conditional Impossible: Describes actions that could have happened either now, before or after with low or 0% probabilty.
  • Imperative: Describes a command

We can add adverbs (either temporal expressions or adverbs of frequency, depending on the case) to precise them more.
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