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Rireinutire [RIR]
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Registered by [Deactivated User] on 2 March 2014
Language type A priori
Species Human/humanoid
About Rireinutire Rireinutire is spoken by a technologically advanced civilisation of humanoid aliens. Rireinutire is agglutinating, SOV word order, nominative-accusative alignment, with four genders. Its native writing system is a syllabary. Primary stress always falls on the first syllable.
Sample of Rireinutire[view] mokava hii te poyamu vopatata supañukahuve:

I hear you're planning to have a child.
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Language family relationships
Language treeRemuhipe
 ⤷ Proto-Remuhipe
  ⤷ Proto-Harutire
   ⤷ Harutire
    ⤷  Rireinutire
[view] About RemuhipeThe Remuhipe language family consisted of several languages spoken mostly along the Eastern seaboard of Ruñosañe, the major continent of Rireinu. One of these was Harutire, the language spoken in the city of Haru and its hinterland. When the Great Wa...
Nasal m   n   ŋ  
Plosive p   t   k ʔ
Fricative   v s     h
Approximant     ɹ j    
Close i u
Close-mid e o
Open   ɑ
Syllable StructureSyllable structure is fairly simple: (C)V(ʔ)
The coda /ʔ/ only appears in word-final position and then as a (vocative or imperative) suffix.
An exception to this is a small number of recent Human loanwords with word-medial /-ʔ/ such as rai'yia /ˈɹɑiʔˌjiɑ/ n. IN 'distance light travels in one Galactic Standard Year, about 1.2 lightyears'.
Stress informationPrimary stress always falls on the first syllable. In compound words, secondary stress falls on the first syllable of each subsequent stem after the first.
Example: iñavasayaye /ˈiŋɑˌvɑsɑˌjɑje/ adj. irresistible
Below is the orthography for Rireinutire. This includes all graphemes as defined in the language's phonology settings - excluding the non-distinct graphemes/polygraphs.
 RireinutireOrthography [edit]
✔ Shown in correct order [change]
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