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Definite Articles
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talking about a specific thing
This public article was written by [Deactivated User], and last updated on 23 Jun 2016, 22:46.

[Public] ? ?
[Public] ? ?
8. Names ? ?
9. Nouns ? ?
12. Typology ? ?
14. Verbs ? ?
There are four main definite articles in Ssamaf, one for each noun class:

aon aonaem aemion ionien ien

When working with a noun that begins with a vowel, these are the forms of the article you are to use. When with a noun beginning with a consonant, you remove the final consonant in the article. So:

  • aon afejdefeat
  • the defeat (abstract)
  • ao k'iolevidence
  • the evidence (abstract)
  • aem akflow
  • the flow (animate)
  • ae k'atanheart
  • the heart (animate)
  • ion ojaktashroud, cerements
  • the shroud (inanimate)
  • io mashorn, hoof
  • the horn (inanimate)
  • ien osek'rodent
  • the rodent (intelligent)
  • ie somsalodrawer of blood
  • the lamprey (intelligent)

The definite articles are regular in that they never stray from these rules.
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